Wednesday, May 14, 2014

14 May - History and Importance of The Day

1509 - Battle of Agnadello - French beat Venetians.
1607 - The first permanent English settlement in America was established at Jamestown, Virginia, by a group of royally chartered Virginia Company settlers from Plymouth, England.
1610 - Assasination of Henry IV of France
1787 - Delegated assembled in Philadelphia to prepare the constitution of USA.

1842 - Illustrated London News, the first illustrated weekly newspaper began publication.
1862 - Chronograph patented.
1879 - First group of 463 Indian laborers arrived in Fiji.
1884 - Anti Monopoly party formed in USA.

1908 - first passenger flew in Airplane.
1940 - Netherlands surrendered to Germany.
1942 - During World War II, an Act of Congress allowed women to enlist for noncombat duties in the Women's Auxiliary Army Corps (WAAC), the Women Appointed for Voluntary Emergency Service (WAVES), Women's Auxiliary Ferrying Squadron (WAFS), and Semper Paratus Always Ready Service (SPARS), the Women's Reserve of the Marine Corp.
1944 - British troops occupied Kohima.
1963 - Kuwait joined as 111th member of United Nations
1973 -  Gold @$102.50 an ounce in London
2012 - Stanford University researchers developed prototype bionic eye.

History Events Video



1686 - German physicist Gabriel Fahrenheit (1686-1736) was born in Danzig, Germany. He introduced the use of mercury in thermometers and greatly improved their accuracy. His name is now attached to one of the major temperature measurement scales.
1948 - Bob Woolmer (Cricket)
1969 - Cate Blanchett (Films)
1984 - Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook founder)

14 May Knowledge History - Science, Engineering and Management

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